
YANG Yang: A Big Fire

2023·10·21 -2023·12·09

Artist Talk by YANG Yang

“我没有过多的经历眼看着生命在我眼前离去,20岁遭遇的车祸让我在黑色的巨洞中漂浮了一年。此后日常所见无非是小动物的抛尸荒野,与亲人的生老病死。而多数生命逝去的地方自然肆意疯长。那是生命转瞬即逝物质的转化,是即将淬火时的金属 ,可塑的柔软充满着变数,也散着耀眼的火光。生命的意义像阳光照射在城市高楼玻璃上刺眼的反光… 让你不能抬头直视,皱眉低头继续向前走着…”


I haven't had much experience watching life pass in person, a traffic accident at the age of 20 left me floating in a giant black hole for a year. Since then the only thing I've seen on a daily basis is small animals being dumped in the wilderness, living and dying with loved ones. And where most lives are lost nature grows wild. It is the transformation of life's fleeting substance, the metal that is about to be quenched, plastic and soft, full of variables, but also scattered with dazzling fire. The meaning of life is like the harsh reflection of sunlight on the glass of a city building... so that you can not look up straight, frowning down and continue to walk forward...

---Yang Yang